St Mary's Church

Building Fellowship & Bettering our Community through the Gospel


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May All We Do Be For God's Glory!

God's Field (National Newsletter of the PNCC) - Please contact us for a link to the latest issue!

Links to other pages of interest!

Clergy Pension Fund - Report 3
Our Clergy Pension Fund annual campaign helps to support our retired priests, or surviving widows. There are only 10 days left in our campaign, and we are far behind where we were this time last year.
Here are the results so far -
Jim Chodzinski John Ullery N.N.
Men’s Club Fr. Charles and Susan
Mike and Kathy M.
Total collected or pledged so far - $1,350 Goal - $2,300
If you would like to contribute, please make check payable to St. Mary’s Parish, and write Clergy Pension Fund in the memo or on your envelope.
We Thank everyone for their thoughtfulness, compassion and generosity!

Bishop Jerry Memorial Scholarship
A memorial scholarship to support youth in our diocese is being established to help preserve the memory of the late Bishop Jerry Rafalko. Leslie is still distraught over his passing, and this scholarship helps her to keep busy as she seeks closure If you would like to contribute to this scholarship, please make your check payable to All Saints Cathedral and mark Bp Jerry Scholarship on the envelope or the memo, and send to
All Saints Cathedral, 9201 W. Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631.
Thank you for your consideration and thoughtfulness!

School Supplies
This quarter, our district is having a collection for school supplies, which will be given to the school of our choice. If you would like to help, please bring your items to church, and place them in the box.

Dinosaur Museum
You may have heard that the Dinosaur Museum recently opened. We are considering having an outing to see it. Our parish will cover the cost for all youth who are part of the parish or related to members, and will give a discount for all adults. If you are interested, please see the sign up sheet on the sign up table.